Is the magic of gnomes and fairies enough for the hero and heroine to overcome the trauma of their pasts and live life to the fullest? Find out in Iris Abbott’s Magnolia and Moonlight!
Magnolia and Moonlight is a steamy, contemporary romance with a twist of suspense by author Iris Abbott. Gnomes and fairies might not be real, but they are still magical. Follow the story of a musician and bodyguard as they face demons of the past, fight off dangers of the present, and fall in love.

An old trunk discovered in the attic of an inherited house.
A perfume formula faded and yellow from time.
A woman who dreams of a man who will dance in the rain with her.
Southern Rain is a steamy, contemporary romance with a twist of suspense. Return to the sultry Lowcountry of South Carolina with author Iris Abbott. Follow the story of Savannah and Marcus as they fall in love while dodging threats and seeking the identity of an antagonist targeting Savannah.

A tragedy that has altered one family forever.
A woman on the run who’s tired of living like the ghost some people would believe her to be.
A man with a dangerous job, looking for the one woman strong enough to stand by his side.
The lingering danger from her past could rip them apart with no warning.
Southern Comfort is a steamy, contemporary romance with a twist of suspense. Return to the sultry Lowcountry of South Carolina with author Iris Abbott. Follow the story of Deanne and Josh as they fall in love while facing the danger that threatens to permanently end them. They will stand firm and defeat the menace who imperils any future they might have together.

Southern Knight is a steamy, contemporary romance with a twist of suspense. Return to the sultry Lowcountry of South Carolina with author Iris Abbott. Follow the story of Selena and Waylon as they fall in love while facing the danger that threatens to rip them apart.
A resilient and strong woman on the run with her young daughter. A sexy bodyguard who possesses bulldog determination and three adorable sidekicks, a well-trained security dog and two adorable puppies. A barking mad ex-husband who can’t seem to let sleeping dogs lie. Paths will cross, lives collide, and things in Charleston are about to get red-hot.
A new name, city, and job are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the challenges Selena must face. She and her daughter are playing a deadly game of hide-and-seek. One that they must win in order to survive. Who would have thought that being on the run from her vile and vengeful ex-husband would lead her to the happy ending that even she never dreamed was possible?
Waylon has the perfect job, getting paid big bucks to do the thing he loves most. He trains and works with dogs. The fact that the world is a bit safer thanks to him and his dogs? Well, that just makes his grin even wider. The truth is, he didn’t know anything was missing until the family next door moved in and changed his life for the better.